Monday, August 20, 2007

Mrs Dubose

When we are first introduced to Mrs Dubose, she comes across as an angry, racist and morphine adict. Because of this and the things she says Jem trashes her flower beds through anger. Jem is then made to read to Mrs Dubose much to his dislike. But he soon finds out that she was a morphine adict and she has just stopped taking the treatment. This was what was making her come across as the person Jem thought she was but when he was reading her, little did he know but it was helping her. Reading to her helped her concentrate on one thing at a time. This helped her rest and just a few days before her death we realise that she isnt the person she first appeared to be, she was the suffering from a problem that she was trying to over come.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

"Atticus ain't ever whipped me since I can remember. I wanta keep it that way."

I remeber it was in year 8. There was a big concert of all our school bands in the school hall right after school. It was a free dress day also so everyone was buzzing with excitment. I wished i could have joined in the excitment but mine was dulled because of the unfortunate timing of my sports practise that afternoon. I had promised my mother that i would go to the sports practise because it was our first game the next week and my mum had promised that i would be there. Yet through the smart planning of my friends and I. We decided that we could just tell that team that i wasnt feeling well and at the end of the concert quickly get into my sports gear and pretend that i went to the practise when my mum comes picks me up. I thought it was a bit risky but didnt matter because the concert would be so much better than sports practise. I plan went though. The concert was brilliant and mum fully believed that i had been to the practise. Yet all turned to horror when the phone called the next morning and it was my coach. He was just calling to ask if i was feeling better and my mother questioned why i would be feeling better if i was already fine. My secret was out. Once my mother got off the phone she just looked at me and said "you've let your team down and i think you dont deserve to be on it." It was such a shock to me for her to say that because she had supported me so much on getting into that team. I felt so ashamed of myself. How i could have thought that i could just lie like that and let down my team and my mum. I then said i was very sorry to my mother and the next day to the coach. It was the last time that ever happend because i learnt from my lesson.